A Trustworthy Free Active Directory Audit Tool
Because Trustworthiness matters.
The trustworthiness of an Active Directory (AD) audit tool is of paramount importance to organizational cyber security because AD audit tools are often used by organizational IT personnel that possess the highest levels of privileged access.
The FREE version of is a highly trustworthy audit tool architected by former Microsoft Program Manager for Active Directory Security to help IT personnel fulfill basic Active Directory focused security audit and inventory needs.
Specifically, Gold Finger is 100% developed in and supported from within the United States, and 100% of its development team are U.S. citizens. It is also digitally-signed to ensure authenticity and safeguarded against unauthorized tampering.

Gold Finger
The FREE version of Gold Finger can generate over 100 customizable basic AD audit and inventory reports at the touch of a button.
Its use does not require any privileged access, and it can be downloaded, installed and run on any machine in two minutes.
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