Our innovations in cyber security address one of the biggest and most fundamental challenges in all of cyber security.

Paramount Cyber Security Innovation
Cyber security is cardinally about access control, whether it be controlling access to networks, systems or data.
That said, can any organization control access without possessing the ability to precisely assess access?
Our innovation uniquely enables organizations to precisely assess access in their IT systems.

Precise Access Assessment
Our founder's unique, innovative, comprehensive, high-value intellectual property (IP), embodied in U.S. Patent 8429708, governs the accurate determination of access entitlements of an entity in a system.
Simply put, our patented IP governs the precise assessment of exactly "What access does a user have in a system?"
The method and system embodied in our patent governs the precise determination of access granted to (one or more) users on (one or more) IT resources in any information system in which IT resources are protected by access control lists (ACLs), including privileged access and the accurate identification of resulting privilege escalation paths in such systems.
Today, at thousands of organizations worldwide, within organizational IT infrastructures reside billions of IT resources, such as files, folders, applications, databases, directory services contents, routers etc. are all protected by ACLs.

High-Value Innovation
In the hierarchy of access determination, the most powerful access to determine is "Who has what Privileged Access."
Simply put, this involves assessing exactly who has the proverbial "Keys to the Kingdom?"
Our innovative patented access assessment technology uniquely empowers organizations worldwide to assess exactly "Who has what Privileged Access?" in any system in which resources are protected by access control lists (ACLs.)
Today our pioneering patent in access assessment technology is cited by patents from the world's top cyber security companies including CyberArk, FireEye, Dell, McAfee, VMWare, Palantir, IBM, Amazon, Microsoft and many others.

Delivering on a Global Paramount Need
Today, in thousands of IT infrastructures across the world, there exist billions of IT resources, protected by access control lists (ACLs) that specify who has what access to these IT resources.
For instance, in every Microsoft Windows based IT infrastructure, every IT resource, whether it be a file, folder, service, app, email or an Active Directory (AD) object, is protected by an ACL.
Cardinally, all organizational user accounts, computer accounts and security groups, including those of all privileged users, all reside in Active Directory, as AD objects protected by AD ACLs, and it is the cumulative effective access resulting from these AD ACLs that ultimately governs "Who has what Privileged Access?"
Our cyber security innovation governs the accurate determination of "Who has what Privileged Access" worldwide.

Effective Access - The Keys to Privileged Access
At the heart and foundation of privileged access at 85% of organizations worldwide lies Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
At these organizations, from all Domain Admin accounts to the CEO's account, and from all organizational user accounts to all computer accounts and security groups, literally everything resides in Active Directory, as an AD object.
Every single AD object is protected by an access control list (ACL) that specifies who is allowed and who is denied what security permissions on the object, and it is the cumulative resulting set of "effective permissions/access" that determines who actually has what access on the object.
Consequently, to accurately determine who has what privileged access in Active Directory, organizations need to correctly audit effective permissions/access in Active Directory.
Our innovative, patented intellectual property (IP) governs the accurate determination of effective access in systems worldwide, including in Microsoft Active Directory.

Gold Finger
Our flagship Microsoft-endorsed Gold Finger privileged access assessment solution embodies our unique, innovative and patented effective access assessment technology.
Gold Finger is the only cyber security solution in the world that can accurately determine effective permissions/access in Microsoft Active Directory deployments, and is the outcome of over a decade of pioneering research and development.
Gold Finger fully automates the accurate assessment of privileged access domain-wide in Microsoft Active Directory.
It can instantly and automatically analyze millions of security permissions in Active Directory and accurately assess exactly who has what privileged access, where and how, on thousands of Active Directory objects, at a button's touch.
Gold Finger's unique privileged access assessment capabilities are essential for Active Directory security worldwide, and today it's Microsoft-endorsed capabilities are the gold standard for privileged access assessment.
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