Cyber Security Insights for CISOs
Unequivocal foundational cyber security insights for CISOs worldwide.

You're the CISO.
You are paramount to your organization's security.
As your organization's CISOs, you're entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding your organization's cyber security.
As the organization's cyber security leader, you are empowered by your executive leadership, trusted by all stakeholders, and chartered with leading a team of cyber security professionals to defend your organization from cyber threats.
As the CISO, you know better than anyone else that foundational cyber security is paramount and must be priority #1, and you know what lies at the foundation of your organization's security - Active Directory and Privileged Access.
This knowledge ultimately provides decision support and drives your organization's top cyber security priorities, objectives and strategies, and helps secure organizational resources for critical cyber security measures.
Our unique cyber security insights can help gain unequivocal clarity on your #1 priority - foundational security.
Foundational Cyber Security Insights for CISOs

Active Directory -
Foundational to Security
Active Directory is foundational to your organization's cyber security.

Privileged Access -
Keys to the Kingdom
Within Active Directory lie all the proverbial "Keys to the Kingdom."

Active Directory
Privilege Escalation
The world's #1 cyber security risk to 85% of organizations worldwide.

Correctly Assessing
Privileged Access
Paramount to cyber security for you can't protect what you can't identify.

5 Simple Questions.
Cyber Security doesn't get more fundamental than this.
As CISO, you're empowered to protect the organization, and expected to be intimately familiar with its security posture.
At a minimum, here are five simple questions you should expect, and ask -
Exactly how secure is our foundational Active Directory?
Exactly how many individuals possess privileged access in our Active Directory?
Exactly who can change the membership of our privileged groups (e.g. Domain Admins)?
Exactly who can replicate (steal) secrets (i.e. everyone's passwords) from our Active Directory?
Exactly who can reset the passwords of all high-value accounts i.e. all C*O and privileged user accounts?
If your AD/IT management team does not have exact answers to such basic questions, can your organization be secure?
Accuracy is paramount, because almost all major recent breaches involved compromise of a single AD privileged user.
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