Active Directory Security Hardening
This service empowers organizations to adequately strengthen and formidably harden the security of their foundational Active Directory.

Active Directory
Security Hardening
An organization’s foundational Active Directory is the bedrock of IT and cyber security, and the heart of privileged access (the “Keys to the Kingdom’), and thus its security is paramount.
Active Directory is thus the most high-value target in organizational cyber security today, and historically almost all major recent cyber security breaches, including the Colonial Pipeline Hack, the SolarWinds Breach and so many others, targeted Active Directory and involved the compromise and misuse of an Active Directory privileged user account.
Consequently, the need to adequately strengthen and formidably harden an organization’s Active Directory security is thus absolutely paramount to organizational cyber security today.
Organizations thus need to be able to adequately, formidably and yet efficiently harden Active Directory security, including accurately locking down privileged access in their Active Directory.
Our Active Directory Security Hardening service enables organizations to formidably harden the security of their foundational Active Directory deployment, including accurately locking down privileged access in their Active Directory.
Active Directory Security Hardening is a risk management process that lets organizations adequately bolster their Active Directory security defenses. Our unique Active Directory Security Hardening service was developed by former Microsoft Program Manager for Active Directory Security.
It can be performed onsite or remotely, and usually requires one to two weeks to perform.
It uniquely delivers the following benefits to an organization -
- Substantially strengthen the security of an organization's Active Directory.
- Formidably harden and lockdown the security of an organization's Active Directory.
- Reliably lockdown privileged access domain-wide in the organization's Active Directory.
For details on its features, scope, requirements, duration and scheduling, please review the Service Brochure below.
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