Identity and Access Management in Active Directory
Our Microsoft-endorsed Active Directory Access Assessment solutions uniquely empower organizations to trustworthily manage identities and access in Active Directory.

Active Directory - The Foundation of Identity and Access Management
Microsoft Active Directory is the foundation of identity and access management at 85% of organizations worldwide
The entirety of an organization's identities (domain user accounts), and access components (computer accounts, security groups, passwords etc.) are stored, protected and managed in Active Directory, and a substantial amount of privileged access is delegated in Active Directory to facilitate their management.
Active Directory lets organizations delegate access precisely, but it lacks the capability to help organizations accurately assess and verify delegated access, thus making it difficult for organizations to securely manage identities and access in Active Directory.

The Missing Piece - Privileged Access Assessment
While Active Directory lets organizations precisely delegate privileged access, it lacks the ability to let organizations verify and assess delegated privileged access, leaving them in the dark, with no accurate visibility into the state of delegated access.
An accurate privileged access assessment can help organizations easily and correctly assess and verify all delegated/provisioned privileged access in Active Directory, providing organizations complete and accurate visibility into the true state of access provisioned in their foundational AD deployments.
Thus, the ability to accurately assess privileged access in Active Directory can help organizations trustworthily and natively manage identities and access in their Active Directory.

Accurate Privileged Access Assessments
Today, in most Active Directory deployments, there exist millions of permissions within the ACLs of thousands of objects.
Most organizations and vendors errantly believe that to assess delegated privileged access in Active Directory accurately, they need to assess "Who has what permissions in Active Directory."
The fact however is that there is only one way to accurately assess delegated privileged access in Active Directory, which is to assess "Who has what effective permissions in Active Directory.".
Accurate Privileged Access Assessments involve the accurate determination of effective permissions in Active Directory.

Effective Permissions - The Keys to Privileged Access
From AdminSDHolder to Domain Admins, and from the default Administrators account to the CEO's domain user account, literally everything in Active Directory is an AD object.
Every AD object is protected by an access control list (ACL) that specifies who has what security permissions on the object, and it is the net cumulative resulting set of "effective permissions" that determines who actually has what access on the object.
Thus, what provides accurate insight into privileged access is not an assessment of Who has what permissions in Active Directory but an assessment of Who has what effective permissions in Active Directory.
As a result, to correctly find out who has what privileged access in Active Directory, organizations need to be able to assess effective permissions in their Active Directory.

Our Unique Solution
Gold Finger, our unique Microsoft-endorsed Active Directory Privileged Access Assessment solution fully automates the accurate determination of effective permissions domain-wide, thus letting organizations perform accurate Privileged Access Assessments.
The ability to perform accurate Privileged Access Assessment in Active Directory provides organizations the visibility they need into the actual state of access provisioned in their Active Directory, thus letting them trustworthily and securely manage their identities and access natively in Active Directory.
Here's a quick overview of how our unique Active Directory Assessment Tools help organizations trustworthily manage identities and access in Active Directory –

Active Directory Effective Permissions Calculator
Accurately assess effective permissions on any Active Directory object

Active Directory Effective Access Auditor
Accurately audit privileged access on any Active Directory object

Active Directory Privileged Access Assessor
Automatically and accurately assess privileged access domain-wide

Gold Finger Mini (Basic)

Gold Finger Mini (Advanced)
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